
Universe is a sphere of radius zero

AUTHOR: Vladimir Dimitrijevic

ABSTRACT - How discovery of radio proves physical existence of invisible dimensions

The digital detour and the alchemy of quantum mechanics of the 20th century have alienated us from the inventions of true radio in line with the original intent of the pioneers, and from the intuitive, natural, and beneficial applications of analog equipment.

In this simple, descriptive treatment of Tesla's work:

  • We start with the analysis of Tesla's experiment in his US patent 787412, providing explanations for his lower bounds, requirements, and superluminal speeds. Modes of operation of Tesla transformer are analyzed, and the true nature of the so-called Tesla-wave explained, considering what renders it to be the most significant technological discovery to date.
  • We recognize that the very discovery of radio is a witness to the physical existence of invisible, exclusively 3-dimensional worlds, and spherical potential waves in a fully three-dimensional imaginary space are a fundamental phenomenon and physical reality.
  • We progress to discuss implications and applications, and claim that properly constructed radio waves do not travel through our visible domain, allowing for efficient wireless energy transfer irrespective of distance.
  • Finally, concentrated in one of the last of the 12 chapters, we present a concise mathematical treatment based on Maxwell's equations in characterizing the Tesla effect.

Redefining the thinking outside-the-box and challenging the state of the art in modern physics, I submit this innovation to your careful scrutiny. This descriptive work is accessible to any reader, including physics and mathematics scholars skilled in the art. The combined experience in the above treatment yields a novel, simple, yet comprehensive view of the spatial construction of the universe, above and beyond the everyday three-dimensional reality experienced by physical senses.

No sensationalist descriptions involving time travel, weapons of global destruction, Soviet military research, mind alteration, age reversal, UFOs, aliens, and a myriad of other manufactured and unrelated topics, are contained in this text. No strings, tensors, elementary particles, or any of the traditional special relativity effects are associated with Tesla waves, and are not mentioned in this text. The most significant problem in theoretical interpretation of Tesla's ideas to date - was the avoidance of the most obvious solution.

Read this flagship book, and discover that the universe is so small that we are all intimately connected through a countably infinite set of pathways of ever decreasing length, and that it is yet so large, that it escapes our senses.

Universe is a lattice of countably infinitely many, mutually embedded, distinct, experientially equivalent, fully-fledged three-dimensional worlds, with all corresponding lengths ratio of Pi/2. Illustrated in C^3 , universe is simply a sphere of radius zero.

DB2 in COBOL Programs

DB2 in COBOL Programs

AUTHOR: Vladimir Dimitrijevic

ABSTRACT - The goal of this technical note is to equip the reader with the understanding of SQL as a set-processing language. Provided are relevant set-theoretic definitions, the SQL statement syntax summary, and a range of topics for handling SQL in COBOL II programs. A concise refresher when logging back into MVS.


Method and Algorithm for Real-time Power Control of Multiple Input Signals

Method and algorithm for real-time power control of multiple input signals

AUTHOR: Vladimir Dimitrijevic

ABSTRACT - A method and algorithm is provided for real-time management of dynamic resistance to a multitude of input signals, keeping the overall system power below, or continuously substantially close to, an arbitrarily chosen threshold. The innovative manner in which this objective is achieved is not by indiscriminant, singularly predefined, nor linearly proportional application of resistance, but by taking in consideration the entirety of the load profile of all signals and applying a proprietary algorithm in real time. In this fashion, only an appropriately selected subset of inputs contributing to the highest degree of violation is resisted to a needed level, and the remainder are not resisted. The entire control is achieved through a single deduced parameter. The method handles multiple inputs that can be highly nonlinear and vary widely in their frequencies. It is applicable to any network with multiple inputs, such as irrigation constructions, sewage systems, electric and electronic circuits, virtual or biological neural networks, IT client-server or messaging systems, portfolios of derivative and structured products, and the like. Another significant application is in real-time or buffered volume control of audio playback, where a total volume of an audio playback is kept constant. Yet another application is a novel iterative method for solving linear systems.


Method and Apparatus for Maximum Load Measurement using Reciprocating Oscillating Clients

Method and apparatus for maximum load measurement using reciprocating oscillating clients

AUTHOR: Vladimir Dimitrijevic

ABSTRACT - An apparatus for attaining, sustaining and measuring a sharp maximum load of a complex target black-box system is given, comprising a plurality of independent clients, each employing a sensitive load reciprocation mechanism based on a sigmoid function. A method is taught which yields an accurate convergent result quickly, it is suitable for improving the economy of load testing, and presents an opportunity for improving the economy of a prolonged system usage. Functional variations of the self-regulating load method yield additional advantages.


Test Automation Digital Filter with Systematic Test Design

Test Automation Digital Filter

AUTHOR: Vladimir Dimitrijevic

ABSTRACT - We shortly summarize the current state of the art with respect to software test automation, and point out some weaknesses in approaches to test automation implementation. We identify test design as a key element largely overlooked within the overall complexity of test automation, and suggest a systematic test design procedure. We provide core views of test automation, unrelated to any particular tool or implementation. These include a point-set-functional view, an algorithmic view, and a digital filter view. The abstract views enable us to derive possible technical and organizational improvements of the operational process of test automation, and to provide insights into its key complexities.


Corporate-wide Test Strategy

Corporate-wide test strategy

AUTHOR: Vladimir Dimitrijevic

ABSTRACT - We summarize relevant elements of a corporate end-to-end IT test strategy, and the associated operational processes. This paper is intended to be a quick reference for IT managers, IT specialists and the business, identifying dimensions and complexities of an organizationally and technically unified QA practice. As an aside, we mention challenges in establishing a centralized Quality Lab, and some misconceptions in applying test automation.

On the Properties of the Foreign Exchange Rate Matrix

On the properties of the foreign exchange rate matrix

AUTHOR: Vladimir Dimitrijevic

ABSTRACT - We outline and summarize some readily verifiable properties of the foreign exchange rate matrix, that may or may not have been previously observed and/or presented in this form, and provide an intuitive interpretation of these properties. An alternative view of the total currency portfolio value at any future time is introduced, partitioned into a purely rate-series-dependent (deal-independent), and deal-dependent terms. All ideas presented assume small or vanishing spreads and margins.

Analytic Solution to Coupon Pricing for Enhanced Forex Investments

Analytic Solution to Coupon Pricing for Enhanced Forex Investments

AUTHOR: Vladimir Dimitrijevic

ABSTRACT - In case of structured Forex investments involving fixed term deposits and sales of call options on the investment / alternate currency pair as underlying (such as Fiduciary Investments with Enhanced Returns, Dual Currency Deposits, Double Currency Units and the like), product coupon price is usually implemented using some sort of iterative, recursive or goal seeking numerical procedure. This also applies to the inverse method of computing required strikes to produce a target coupon. Given the pre-computed price of the involved Forex option (%) and updated spot and interest rate values, we present a direct closed form of the coupon price, thereby establishing accuracy, reducing complexity, circumventing involvement of iterative calculations, and reducing computation time.

Priority Limit Order with a Pricing Mechanism

Priority Limit Order with a Pricing Mechanism

AUTHOR: Vladimir Dimitrijevic

ABSTRACT - We propose a new type of exchange transaction type designated as a Priority Limit Order, offering clients a possibility to increase the time priority of their limit orders, at a reasonable premium proportional to the value of the order and with a smooth dependency on the current state parameters of the relevant portion of the order book. We conjecture that a new order type will prove a viable and frequent option for clients to complement their retail and algorithmic trading, and is a first of a kind transaction type with an activation in the past.

Geometric Trading Indicator

Geometric Trading Indicator

AUTHOR: Vladimir Dimitrijevic

ABSTRACT: Design a purely technical trading indicator with the following attributes:

  • Due to generally accepted lognormal distribution of stock returns, use a more appropriate geometric, rather than arithmetic, intrinsics of the price sample. This indicator may as well be used for Forex prices, though there is no immediate applicable theoretical justification.
  • Base the indicator on “price action” properties.
  • Determine cutoff signal levels directly depending on the observed statistical properties of the data in consideration, rather than using arbitrarily assigned percentages or rule-of-thumb absolute values.
  • Simultaneously consider multiple relevant timelines.

The novelty of GTI when compared to the myriad of moving-average based indicators, and their variations and derivatives, is the obvious insisting on the geometric properties of the sample. Though one may argue that in relative terms there is not much difference, the kick-in accuracy and timing in this application is essential, and we insist that geometric values are more appropriate. The choice of the indicator sequence and in particular the cutoff levels is tightly related only to the observed sequence as a whole, and results in deriving statistically relevant extrema in the appropriate domain partition, without any extraneous algorithm inputs.