Did Tesla Discover the Mechanism of Time
ABSTRACT - Did Tesla Discover the Mechanism Changing the Arrow of Time? M. Pitka nen1, June 24, 2003 1 Department of Physical Sciences, High Energy Physics Division, PL 64, FIN-00014, University of Helsinki, Fin ...
Dynamic Theory Of Gravity 1
ABSTRACT - Summation of Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity An excerpt from: Occult Ether Physics by William R. Lyne From: Don Allen According to Tesla's lecture prepared for the Insti ...
Dynamic Theory Of Gravity 2
ABSTRACT - Summation of Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity From: Don Allen Date: Sat, 08 May 1999 04:22:55 -0600 Fwd Date: Sat, 08 May 1999 20:07:28 -0400 Subject: Summation of Tesla's Dynami ...
Energy-sucking Radio Antennas 1
ABSTRACT - TESLA PAGE WEIRD SCI. GOOD STUFF NEW STUFF SEARCH 'Energy-sucking' Radio Antennas, N. Tesla's Power Receiver Here's something that has always bugged me: light waves are about 5000 Angstroms in w ...
Energy-sucking Radio Antennas 2
ABSTRACT - More Musings On Energy-sucking Radio Antennas Below are some various collected thoughts regarding the idea that a tiny antenna can draw large EM waves into itself. SHORTCUTS Mechanical Antennas ...
Energy-sucking Radio Antennas 3
ABSTRACT - TESLA PAGE WEIRD SCI. GOOD STUFF NEW STUFF SEARCH Energy Received By Capacitive "Antennas" The ongoing "energy-sucking antenna" controversy on SCI.PHYSICS.ELECTROMAG (see thread) prompted me to pu ...
ABSTRACT - Alfred Evert Ether-Energy-Generator Preliminary Remark One aim of earning Free Energy is to tap unlimited sea of energy of universe . There is talked about space- energy, zero-point-energy, vacuum ...
Failure of Lumped Element Circuit Theory
ABSTRACT - Class Notes: Tesla Coils and the Failure of Lumped-Element Circuit Theory by Kenneth L. Corum and James F. Corum, Ph.D. 1999 by K.L. Corum and J.F. Corum "The working [of the Extra Coil] ...
FBI files 1
ABSTRACT - NIKOLA TESLA'S FBI FILES ENCLOSURE I MAIN FILE (Complete).. Access * Complete summary of relevant information found in the 156 pages (158 including the FBI deleted page sheets) of Enclosu ...
FBI files 2
ABSTRACT - NIKOLA TESLA'S FBI FILES ENCLOSURE I MAIN FILE (Complete).. Access * Complete summary of relevant information found in the 156 pages (158 including the FBI deleted page sheets) of Enclosu ...
How to build a simple solid state Tesla Coil
ABSTRACT - WARNING!!! Information provided here is only for people who are experienced in electrics / electronics and know what they are doing. Although in carefully designed experiment c ...
How to build a UFO
ABSTRACT - October 15, 1990 listed on KeelyNet as UFO6.ZIP -------------------------------------------------------------------- The follo ...
International project Tesla
ABSTRACT - 1Albrecht Wagner, TDR Colloquium as an International Project 2Albrecht Wagner, TDR Colloquium The TDR Part 1: Executive Summary 2: The Accelerator 3: Physics at an e+e- Linear Collider 4: A Detector f ...
Longitudinal wave experiment after Nikola Tesla
ABSTRACT - Longitudinal wave experiment after Nikola Tesla of Professor Dr. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl Introduction Scalar waves, which remain usually unconsidered or are neglected, are particularly interes ...
Lost Inventions
ABSTRACT - T E S L A The lost Inventions by George Trinkaus Here are the suppressed inventions of Nikola Tesla all in one place rendered in clear English and in 42 illustrations. Tesla was famous at the ...
Magnifying Transmitter
ABSTRACT - created on 10-15-98 - JLN Labs - last update on 10-29-99 The Magnifying Transmitter by Nikola Tesla : "...It is a resonant transformer with a secondary in which the parts charged to a high potent ...
Na 60tu godisnjicu
ABSTRACT - Obave tenje: Vidim da je sve vi e posetilaca iz biv ih Ju republika. Me utim, ini mi se da se slabo uklju uju u rad foruma. Evo ja bih eleo da ih pozovem da se prijave i doprinesu radu forum ...
Nikola tesla’s wireless work
ABSTRACT - Back NIKOLA TESLA'S WIRELESS WORK Gary Peterson Nikola Tesla's Wireless Work The development of a ground-based system for wireless transmission The tower was destroyed two years ago b ...
ABSTRACT - copyright (2000) by AW-Verlag; www.aw-verlag.ch Page 1 Nikola TESLA s Wireless Systems Andr Waser* Issued (German):29.07.2000 Last changes (English):05.08.2000 After his inventions about the polyp ...
On Dynamic T of G
ABSTRACT - Summation of Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity From: Don Allen Date: Sat, 08 May 1999 04:22:55 -0600 Fwd Date: Sat, 08 May 1999 20:07:28 -0400 Subject: Summation of Tesla's Dynami ...
Quantum-connected Tesla coil action
ABSTRACT - QUANTUM CONNECTED TESLA COIL ACTION by Jerry E. Bayles May 01,2003 A Tesla coil can be considered as 1/2 of a transmission line where another Tesla coil of the exact same length of winding can ...
Radiant Energy
ABSTRACT - Radiant Energy: Unraveling Tesla's Greatest Secret Ken Adachi The story you are about to read is derived from a carefully researched paper presented by Dr. Peter Lindemann before a privat ...
Research of Nikola Tesla in Long Island Laboratory
ABSTRACT - Research of Nikola Tesla in Long Island Laboratory by Aleksandar Marin i , Ph.D. Reprinted from Energy and Development at the International Scientific Conference in Honor of the 130 ...
Revealed secrets of electrodynamics
ABSTRACT - Generalised Classical Electrodynamics for the prediction of scalar field effects 'the theoretical background of Tesla's longitudinal electric waves, electrostatic energy, the Hutchison effect, and ...
ABSTRACT - SIDAC / IGBT SPARK GAP SISG Terry Fritz July 27, 2006 Rev 1.9 minor updates INTRODUCTION A new electronic spark gap using reliable, simple, and totally self contained sections is discussed. Thes ...
Step by step instructions for TC
ABSTRACT - Step By Step Welcome Coilers! Be sure to submit your photo for the Pic of the month contest! Click Me! Tip Of The Day Tesla Coil Web Largest spark to date: 68 inches! with my 4.5 inch coil r ...
Summation of Tesla’s Dynamic Theory of Gravity
ABSTRACT - Summation of Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity An excerpt from: Occult Ether Physics by William R. Lyne From: Don Allen dona@amigo.net According to Tesla's lecture prepared for the Insti ...
Summation on Tesla’s Theory of Gravity
ABSTRACT - Summation of Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity An excerpt from: Occult Ether Physics by William R. Lyne UFO UpDates - Toronto - updates@globalserve.net A UFO Related Phenomena E-Mail List ...
TESLA as an International Project
ABSTRACT - 1Albrecht Wagner, TDR Colloquium as an International Project 2Albrecht Wagner, TDR Colloquium The TDR Part 1: Executive Summary 2: The Accelerator 3: Physics at an e+e- Linear Collider 4: A Detector f ...
Tesla Coil 1
ABSTRACT - Tesla Coil What is a Tesla Coil? The Tesla Coil is an air-core transformer with primary and secondary coils tuned to resonate. The primary and secondary coils function as a step-up transformer whi ...
Tesla Coil 2
ABSTRACT - Tesla Coil (OUDIN OSCILLATOR) The Oudin Oscillator is a high frequency current generator which uses the principles of electrical resonance to produce an antinode of high potential at the top of ...
Tesla coil design for electron gun application
ABSTRACT - TESLA COIL DESIGN FOR ELECTRON GUN APPLICATION M. Paraliev , C. Gough, S. Ivkovic Paul Scherrer Institute, Accelerator Division 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland ...
Tesla Coil Theory
ABSTRACT - Tesla Coil Theory This page describes the theory of tesla coils and you find basic information about how a tesla coil works. The page only deals with principle function. Calculations needed for th ...
Tesla Oscillator
ABSTRACT - The Tesla Oscillator Nikola Tesla is primarily thought of as an electrical genius, but he also was responsible for a number of mechanical devices. One of the most notorious of these was his "Eart ...
Tesla White Paper_2006_07_19
ABSTRACT - Copyright 2006 Tesla Motors Inc. Page 1 of 9 The 21st Century Electric Car Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning Tesla Motors Inc. Wednesday, July 19, 2006 The electric car, once the ze ...
ABSTRACT - Facharbeit aus dem Fach Physik Thema: Bau und Inbetriebnahme einer Teslaspule Verfasser Marc Ro ler Leistungskurs Ph 20 Kursleiter Abgabetermin Erzielte Note in Worten Erzielte Punkte in Worten (Einf ...
ABSTRACT - 1. Plasma wave equations We will start from this equation and replace the magnetic field intensity into the second equation by applying a second rotor: J t DHrot ...
Tesla’s Electric Car1
ABSTRACT - Tesla's Electric Car #2 - 01/09/98 This file was originally posted on the KeelyNet BBS on January 31, 1993 as TESLAFE2.ASC. This file is a Sysop commentary on the Tesla Power Box as described in th ...
Tesla’s Electric Car2
ABSTRACT - Tesla's Electric Car - another version Subject : Telsla's Electric Car Date : Mon, 07 Apr 1997 02:15:31 GMT This is an excerpt from the book, "Secrets of Cold War Technology - Project HAARP and Be ...
Tesla’s Electric Car3
ABSTRACT - Home | News | Electric cars | Future Past | Super Carburetors | Gary's Magnetic Motor | Tesla's Flying Stove 70% of the world's oil is used as transportation fuel so, the key to protecting the env ...
Tesla’s Electric Car4
ABSTRACT - THE TESLA CAR by Vic Hart Information about an invention by Dr. Nikola Tesla, which is said to have harnessed cosmic energy The following is a summary of an interview on 16 September 1967 of Peter Sav ...
Tesla’s Electric Car5
ABSTRACT - rexresearch.com Home ~ Catalog ~ Links Free Energy Generators (#2) Lajos Szucs: Magnetic Field Motor Xtec: Power Amplifying Antenna Dr Albert Serogodsky K-Capture Generator Nikola Tesla: ...
Tesla’s Flying Machine
ABSTRACT - Tesla s (real) Flying Machine ikola Tesla, what a great man a real superman as O Neill called him but even this is not enough to describe the extent of his vision and truth revealing mind. ...
Tesla’s Wireless Light
ABSTRACT - Pepe s Tesla Pages http://www.tesla.hu/ 1 TESLA'S WIRELESS LIGHT.* Nikola Tesla has given to The New York Sun an authorized statement concerning his new experiments on the product ...
ABSTRACT - Tesla s (real) Flying Machine ikola Tesla, what a great man a real superman as O Neill called him but even this is not enough to describe the extent of his vision and truth revealing mind. ...
ABSTRACT - copyright (2000) by AW-Verlag; www.aw-verlag.ch Page 1 Nikola TESLA s Radiations and the Cosmic Rays Andr Waser* Issued (German):July 30th, 2000 Last modification (English):Aug. 08th, 2000 Without ...
Tremendous New Power
ABSTRACT - Pepe s Tesla Pages http://www.tesla.hu/ 1 TREMENDOUS NEW POWER SOON TO BE UNLEASHED * Nikola Tesla, Starting His 78th Year, Works on Revolutionary Power Project and Also is Complet ...
Unraveling Tesla’s Greatest Secret
ABSTRACT - Radiant Energy: Unraveling Tesla's Greatest Secret Ken Adachi The story you are about to read is derived from a carefully researched paper presented by Dr. Peter Lindemann before a privat ...
Who Was The Real Dr. Nikola Tesla
ABSTRACT - Antenna Measurement Techniques Association POSTER PAPER October 22-25, 2001 1 Who Was The Real Dr. Nikola Tesla? (A Look At His Professional Credentials) ...
Wikipedia_Dynamic theory of gravity
ABSTRACT - Dynamic theory of gravity From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Nikola Tesla's dynamic theory of gravity was an attempt to ascertain a theory between gravitational radiation and the electromagnetic ...
Wireless transmission of power
ABSTRACT - theory1.txt WIRELESS TRANSMISSION OF POWER Resonating Planet Earth by Toby Grotz Theoretical Electromagnetic Studies and Learning Association, Inc. 522 West Third Street Le ...