
On Friday, January 10, 2014 4:47 PM, “” <> wrote:

Hi Vladimir, wonderful to hear a voice from the past. I think of you every time I update my webpage and see your name there. I think I looked you up once and saw you were in Switzerland. It will be a while before I read your book. Can you reconcile your ideas about “analog” with the project to put all of physics on an information/computation basis? Traditional math rarely incorporates the observer who is doing the mathematics (except perhaps some of the work that mixes recursion theory and model theory following Goedel’s incompleteness theorem, showing certain recursively definable theories must have nonstandard models, or that certain statements that are “close to being about the theory” must be independent of the theory – i.e, neither provable nor disprovable from the axioms of the theory). However, computational thinking essentially has the observer as part of the theory all the time, which is why complexity theoretic problems are so difficult.

By all means make our work public! All works with me as coauthor are public documents, all the prototype code my group writes is opensource.

Keep in touch, Meera

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